The Best Part of Being a Home Inspector…

Is hands down the fact that I get to help people every single day!

I’ve been a licensed home inspector in Virginia going on three years now and the home buying process is just part of my day to day life at this point.  I had a home inspection a couple days ago that was par for the course without anything too crazy coming up and just a few minor repairs needed.  All in all it was a good and safe home for my client that I’d say after adding smoke and carbon monoxide detectors was essentially move in ready.

As we finished up the inspection my client started to tear up and thanked God for her agent helping her find this house and me for taking such good care of her during the inspection.  She just couldn’t believe that her dream was coming true and all of her hard work had finally paid off and now she was going to have something to call her own.  Before parting ways she wrapped me up in a big hug, thanked me again and said our goodbyes. I consider myself lucky and am so grateful to have been a part of that.

For a little bit of context, ever since I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine and was shown so much kindness and charity from others I’ve always wanted to give back.  I’m grateful that my career as a home inspector has allowed me to serve my local community.  It also allows me the flexibility in my schedule so that I can usually volunteer once a week with my favorite local charity Beyond Boundaries too.  You can check them out here.

They work with quite a few different groups in Richmond, Jacob’s Chance, The Mcshin Foundation and the Nest Academy to name a few. Their motto is that “Adventure is for Everyone” and the focus is on helping everyone from all walks of life get to enjoy things like climbing, hiking, fishing, or rafting regardless of their circumstances. It’s a program that really resonates with me, my love of adventure, and the joy i get from being able to share that with others.

Long story short I’m just grateful for the ability to serve my community and to have found an outlet where I’m able to give back and I start to pay forward some of the innumerable acts of kindness that were shown to me during my own adventures!

Happy Monday!

Written by Chris dePolo


“What to Inspect When You’re Inspecting…”